Sunday, November 24, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom!

Hi there Birthday Girl! I hope you're enjoying your lovely little internet scavenger hunt, even though it doesn't include any pictures. Make sure to check your YouTube account sometime today, though, as your lovely daughter may have found time between school, Middle Eastern History and dinner with the Ambassador to drop you a line. This is how much she loves you.
Now, I imagine you might be wondering what your next mission is. I will tell you it involves math... and the dark ages. Nerdfighters! First, go to the site where I've been supplementing Miss Ramadevi's math curriculum. I've created an account for you! The username is (shocking!) your name, and the password is the usual without any capital letters or an s. Go to Dashboard, where you'll have to complete the pretest to unlock your wall, then go to goals. There you'll find an exercise that I am also doing in my math class as well as a video on the same topics as my Middle Eastern History course has been appreciating. You'll need to complete both! Once you've done this, go back to your email account that you just discovered and answer the question presented in contacts. Then, go to Gmail. You have an email account there too! Your username is the same as your Hushmail account, but it includes your first name in place of your relationship to me. Got it? I know it's complicated! Your password is the first name of the person who thinks you are a phony (I hope you watched the video closely!) followed by the answer to the math question using the topic you just covered. (Remember to square your answer and include only the number)
Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

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